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Fix your overbite with a bestsmile Aligner in just 3–12 months.

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What is an overbite?

An overbite means that the upper and lower jaws are not aligned properly. The lower jaw is too small or the upper jaw is too big, and the upper teeth are too far forward or the lower teeth are too far back, meaning that there is too much distance between the upper and lower incisors. The causes can be genetic or developmental in nature.

But in almost all people, the upper row of teeth minimally overlaps the lower row. And only if the position of the teeth deviates too much from this norm, it is referred to as overbite in medicine. A distinction is made between the horizontal misalignment (overjet) and the vertical misalignment (overbite).


Types of overbite

  • Deep bite

    The upper incisors reach too far down and form a severe overlap with the lower ones, leading to possible injuries in gum tissue.

  • Closed bite

    The upper incisors cover the lower ones and are also tilted.

  • Prognathism/underbite

    In other words, a reverse overbite. The lower incisors are positioned in front of the upper incisors.

Why correct an overbite?

An overbite can cause various health problems and become worse over time. The following are the most common issues associated with an overbite:


  • Problems with biting, chewing and digestion
  • Temporomandibular joint paint, muscle tension, headaches
  • Increased risk of cavities, impaired oral hygiene
  • Increased risk of injury to the incisors and lips


  • Buck teeth
  • Recessed chin

Everyday issues

  • Speech problems and snoring
  • Increased mouth breathing and oral dryness

How Aligners correct an overbite

In most cases, an overbite can be corrected with removable braces. How it works:

  • Every 2 weeks you switch to a new Aligner tray.

  • play

    Each Aligner tray pushes the teeth slightly more in the desired direction.

  • Your overbite will be corrected in 3 to 12 months.

Advantages of bestsmile Aligner:

Removable at any time
Barely visible and discreet
Fast results
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Overbite FAQs

What is an overjet and an overbite?

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Overjet: horizontal overbite

The overjet describes the horizontal distance between the upper and lower incisors. In a horizontal overbite, the upper jaw is too large compared to the lower jaw and protrudes significantly. Accordingly, the upper incisors protrude too far forward, creating a large gap between them and the lower teeth.

Ideally, this distance should be only 1–2 mm. When we talk about “overbite”, most people imagine a positive overjet – a malocclusion where the upper teeth protrude forward. This can have skeletal or dental causes and can be either a jaw or a tooth misalignment. In a negative overjet, the lower teeth protrude and the upper teeth are further back, creating a so-called prognathism.


Overbite: vertical misalignment

Contrary to the overjet, the overbite describes the vertical position of the teeth in relation to each other. Normally, the protrusion is 2–3 mm and the upper teeth are in front of the lower teeth. However, if the upper front teeth completely cover the lower teeth, this is referred to as deep bite. If, on the other hand, the upper teeth are covered by the lower teeth, it is called prognathism.

How does overbite correction work?

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Treatment with braces is the most common and proven method of correcting an overbite. In many cases, an overbite can be corrected in prepubescent children whose jaws are still growing. Adults can also have their overbites corrected. Conventional braces with brackets are the classic treatment option in orthodontics, but transparent aligners are also growing in popularity.

Is it possible to fix an overbite without using braces?

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No. It's always necessary to use orthodontic or medical interventions of some kind in order to treat an overbite. It cannot be corrected naturally. In many cases, overbites can be successfully treated with convention braces or invisible aligner trays. For some patients, however, correcting the teeth is not enough, and a surgical procedure would be required to place the jaws in the right position.

When is an operation necessary to correct an overbite?

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A purely orthodontic approach with braces may not be sufficient depending on the degree of malocclusion. If the jaws are too misaligned, it is advisable to combine the dental correction with jaw surgery in order to achieve the best possible result.

Does health insurance cover the costs of overbite treatment?

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This depends on the severity of the overbite. The best thing to do is to contact your health insurance directly to find out if they cover the costs of fixing your overbite.

Why choose bestsmile?

Dental expertise

Our specialist medical staff will be with you and advise you free of charge during every step of the way over the course of your treatment.

swiss made

All bestsmile products are custom-made in our own production facility in Switzerland.

10-year guarantee

We take responsibility for your result and we give you a 10-year guarantee.

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